Prospekt: Lesen Schreiben Rechnen (Bestell-Nr. 1913)

36 Trainingshefte Englisch Das Übungsheft Englisch – Let’s practise English Der erste Einstieg in die englische Sprache und Schrift mit Erfolg und Spaß: • Sticker-Belohnungssystem • Lösungsheft zur Selbstkontrolle • Beilage Wörterliste • Hörangebote online Für Kinder mit normalen Fertigkeiten – zur Vertiefung und Festigung, für das tägliche 5-Minuten-Training What do you do in London? 2 1 taxi Buckingham Palace bus London Eye Tower Bridge Tower of London I am a picture of the Tower of London. I am drawing a picture of a red . I am a London black . I am Tower Bridge. I am a picture of Buckingham Palace. 3 I am taking a picture of the London Eye. London team work: “What can you see?” “What are you doing?” 42 forty-two time acting out 32 thirty-two 1 2 It is . It is . It is . It is . It is . What time is it, please? What time is it, please? What time is it, please? What time is it, please? What time is it, please? It is a quarter to eight. It is a quarter to nine. It is half past eight. It is a quarter past eight. It is eight o’clock. Let us go to school! Let us go to school! Let us go to school! Let us go to school! James, you are late! Are you late? furniture, imperative pair conversation: “What shall I do?” 8 eight What shall I do? Open the , please! Close the , please! Switch on the , ! Switch off the , ! 1 2 3 , please! , please! , ! , ! What shall I do? curtains light fridge Das Übungsheft Englisch 4 Das Übungsheft Englisch 4 Das Übungsheft Englisch 4